Health Centers

General Care


  • The quiet peace of a sunlit meadow - Loving memories

    Facing Reality After Your Horse's Death

    Read this thoughtful article by a veterinarian who has had years of personal experience caring for horses and other animals to learn how to deal with the logistics and emotions that accompany the death of a horse.

  • Getting ready to give vaccination by filling syringe.

    Tips to Prevent or Minimize Vaccination Reactions

    Vaccinations should be a part of routine horse healthcare, under the supervision of a veterinarian. You can reduce the chances of reactions by following with advice in this excellent article by Heather Smith Thomas.

  • Horse looking at this black dog strolling through their barn.

    Dog in the Barn - Delight or Danger?

    Horse people are almost always dog people. If you fit in this category, this article has great advice on breeds of dogs that are excellent barn and trail companions.

  • More important considerations related to getting a horse or two!

    Horse Thoughts For the New Horse Owner: Part Two of Two

    Thinking about getting a horse. Author Miriam Reich continues her sage advice based on her experiences and what she learned.

  • Considering important challenges of horse ownership.

    Horse Thoughts: For the New Horse Owner - Part One of Two

    Thinking about getting a horse. Here is some sage advice from author Miriam Reich about some basic considerations prior to taking the plunge.

  • Veterinarian checking out a horse.

    Finding an Equine Veterinarian

    Selecting your vet shouldn't be hit or miss. Here are some suggestions that will help you find a veterinarian that is good for your horse and you.

  • Keeping your horses healthy during winter weather.

    Tips for Making Winter Riding Safer

    Riding your horse during the winter gives you both a chance to keep fit and enjoy the beauty of a winter landscape. This article offers tips to help you keep safe, and prepare for a winter horse ride.

  • Importance of the horse's endocrine system in making the horse the horse that he is.

    Your Horse's Endocrine System

    The horse endocrine system consists of a collection of small organs such as the pituitary and adrenal glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, reproduction, sweating, stress response, and much more.

  • The horse as magnificent athlete because of efficient heart and spleen.

    The Equine Circulatory System

    The horse is one of the most impressive natural athletes in the world largely due to a specialized circulatory system that, along with the respiratory system, can accommodate the large oxygen demands of the muscles during exercise.

  • Swimming as rehabilitative therapy for horse.

    Therapies for Horse Injuries, Aches, and Pains

    Any athlete will tell you that a hard workout leads to joint aches, stiffness and pain. Our equine athletes suffer the same. Learn about some therapies that are useful to alleviate horse joint and muscle pain.
