Extreme Mustang Makeover trainers are picking-up their mustangs to prepare for the 2020 event in Fort Worth, Texas.
Equine Field Day will highlight successes and discuss some of the challenges of implementing Natural Resources Conservation Service practices on horse farms.
The mission of Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging has been to improve the safety, accuracy and availability of MRI diagnostics for the care of horses around the world.
Over 20 years ago, horse trainer and animal behaviorist, Monty Roberts pointed out how whips were not only inhumane for horses but also counterproductive.
Premier equine professionals will gather at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts, with 150 individual sessions on horsemanship.
Assignment of space to store hay supplies is an important factor in horse barn design.
Westgate Labs is providing free worm egg count tests to assist in identifying potentially life threatening problems and help officers engage with horse owners.
The initiative seeks to understand how bisphosphonates affect the long-term health and soundness of equine athletes.T
The innate need for equines to have access to grazing and their preference for constant movement aids their digestion, keeps joints loose and soft tissues elastic.
Monty Roberts' class is for the novice, as well as the advanced student, to observe a master at work practicing discoveries that changed the horse world.