Compared to the amount of research on horse health, little research has been done on equestrians, despite the economic importance of this industry globally.
Increasing popularity of horse racing, a high equine adoption rate and substantial spending on animal healthcare are the major growth factors in market growth report.
Horses Without Humans mission is to provide transitional shelter, companionship, rehabilitation and training to at-risk horses and place them in suitable homes.
Trafalgar Square Books is proud to announce the release of our first audio book for horse lovers from one of our original best selling authors, Jane Savoie.
ASPCA fuels innovative grant opportunities to help horses safely transition to new homes, provide critical safety net resources, and enhance anti-cruelty efforts.
Monty will demonstrate his mastery of horsemanship at his Flag Is Up Farms during three events this spring and summer.
As horses move from place to place, resistant worms are spread on the pasture infecting other grazing herds.
Free ASPCA Webinar on Jan. 23 kicks off a national initiative awarding $150,000 to equine organizations.
This suit is brought on behalf of residents whose property rights have been violated and wild horses who have lived peacefully in Palomino Valley for years.
After months of comments and deliberation, the AERC Board of Directors voted on the disaffiliation motion from United States Equestrian Federation on January 14.