Since its establishment in 2008, the Winner's Circle Scholarship Program has provided more than $1.5 million in scholarships to 384 veterinary students.
Fully exploited by human athletes, proprioception is a therapeutic goldmine still awaiting its Eureka! moment by those caring for equine athletes.
Gift will allow the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment's Gluck Equine Research Center to launch a world-class equine drug research and testing program.
Annual vaccination is the only way to protect your horse against rabies which is 100% fatal to horses once clinical signs appear.
The process of buying and building a horse barn should be a happy event throughout the project. but if you see red flags it is smart to find another builder.
More than 170 equine organizations compete in ASPCA Help a Horse Home Challenge to Increase equine adoptions nationwide.
The large amount of precipitation in the past year has caused issues that affect horses, from skin infections, to hoof issues, to pasture problems.
Veterinarians partner with the ColiCare Program to help protect horses and their owners.
The objective is to display the trainability, beauty, and the versatility of American mustangs in hopes of finding a suitable adopter or purchaser.
The American Horse Council’s Annual Meeting is where every segment of the horse industry gets together to discuss issues of importance to the industry as a whole.