PZP is a scientifically established immunocontraceptive vaccine for female horses (mares) that creates an immune response that prevents fertilization.
Fecal sand testing is now available for horses to help reduce the risk of sand colic by monitoring sediment levels.
Smart horse owners know it takes more than just a good fly spray to win the pest control battle; You need a multi-zone program that blocks, repels and reduces.
Equine organizations across the country have until April 4 to register for the chance to win some of the $150,000 available in #HelpAHorse grant prizes.
Understanding key drivers of the Thoroughbred foal supply is fundamental to long run industry sustainability.
Robust, rigorous, and replicable scholarly research is imperative to the field of equine assisted activities and therapy.
Haygain makes an ever-expanding library of useful articles available to all horse owners.
Albuterol will be a level of detection drug meaning any detected amount of albuterol in the horse will be considered a violation.
Cavalor is a Gold Level sponsor and principal organizer of the Annual European Equine Health and Nutrition Congress.
On Call is a media-assistance program that provides timely health updates on equine athletes during nationally televised events.