Learn the 6 important points of observation that will clue you in to your horse's physical and mental state during a daily once over as you groom your horse …
Vaccinations should be a part of routine horse healthcare, under the supervision of a veterinarian. You can reduce the chances of reactions by following with …
Big horses, small feet. An increasingly problem with horses that are not bred for good foot health. Dropped soles can result. Here is an expert farriers view on …
Red tips on dark manes and dark coats, particularly noticeable in bays and black horses, may be due to a copper deficiency which is easy to fix, but it requires …
Don't let hooves get overgrown. Clipped hoooves chip less, hold less snow and mud and provide more grip on slippery surfaces.
Evaluating the relationship of body fat to body musculature helps a horse owner determine the body score of a particular horse and is a helpful management tool …
Although anecdotal stories about individual horses may have lead to these myths or old wives' tales about beet pulp as feed, research and experience have …
Learn how easy it is to install and use a video monitor for your pregnant mare. Be ready for the Big Event! Includes links to equipment manufacturers and …
The barn sour horse gets anxious and difficult to control when away from its barn or herd mates. Understanding the causes and retraining makes a safer and …
Horses require basic nutrition elements in proper proportions and amounts. This article discuss the equine's basic dietary needs, giving you the information you …
Read about the many types of parasites that can affect your horse and learn how using the three "arms" of strategic deworming can be an answer to your parasite …
An effective equine vaccination program always begins with a discussion with your veterinarian and why the risk factors in your particular area of the country …
Minor injuries and illnesses in horses can turn into costly or catastrophic situations if not recognized and treated promptly. Read to learn the 5 principles of …
An inherited disorder that causes the skin on a horse's back to separate or tear away. Also known as HERDA
Over the years, researchers have thoroughly investigated the evolution of horses and determined that the way horses live in the wild can serve as a guide for …
To many, the words love, hope and dreams are synonymous with horses.
Oliver Wendell Holmes