The standing wrap is the most basic bandage used on a horse, and one that every horseman should know how to do properly because it protects the horse's legs, …
Learn the 10 reasons a daily workout is important and how to get started …
As any horse owner knows, the process of caring for a horse produces what seems like tons of waste. Learn the best strategies for proper waste management of …
Learn the 5 proven techniques that will provide grazing for your horse throughout most of the year, suppress weeds, and keep your pasture land vital and healthy …
When a horse suffers from a choke, it can breathe fine, it just can't swallow. Avoid choke - don't feed whole fruits, large hay cubes, and avoid grain if your horse bolts it's food.
In the USA, most states do not have a licensing program for farriers, so a wide quality gap may occur among practicing farriers in many areas. Other countries …
Equine health author Miriam Rieck shares some of her hoof-care knowledge developed through experiences with her favorite horse, Nan. Includes great ideas that …
Five common causes of lameness. Avoid having a lame horse by recognizing these 5 causes and avoiding them …
Comprehensive and updated, this is the guide of horse, pony and other equine breed registries. Find contact information, and website links for your favorite …
Horses require basic nutrition elements in proper proportions and amounts. This article discuss the equine's basic dietary needs, giving you the information you …
Read about the many types of parasites that can affect your horse and learn how using the three "arms" of strategic deworming can be an answer to your parasite …
An effective equine vaccination program always begins with a discussion with your veterinarian and why the risk factors in your particular area of the country …
Minor injuries and illnesses in horses can turn into costly or catastrophic situations if not recognized and treated promptly. Read to learn the 5 principles of …
A carriage, usually enclosed, that is used to transport people and is drawn by two or more horses.
Over the years, researchers have thoroughly investigated the evolution of horses and determined that the way horses live in the wild can serve as a guide for …
Men are generally more concerned with the breeding of their horses than their children.
William Penn